Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Services

aboriginal cultural heritage serviesAboriginal Cultural Heritage considerations may be relevant to your planning and development process. A development may need to comply with the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (AHA) in accordance with State Legislation.

As officially recognised heritage advisors, we can be engaged to assist property developers and infrastructure project managers to be in compliance with the legislative requirements and gain planning approval.

Aboriginal Cultural Heritage and CHMPs

When working within your planning application requirements for council, you may need to develop and implement a Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) under the Aboriginal Heritage Act (AHA).

At Andrew Long + Associates, we approach the interpretation of the AHA diligently with a proven track record of successful management. If we can find a legitimate reason why a mandatory CHMP is not required, we will argue the case based on its individual merits, potentially saving your project significant time and resources on compliance costs

Andrew Long + Associates heritage consultants can guide developers on correctly interpreting the AHA. By leveraging our proven track record of success with AHA matters and diligence in our reporting and processes, you can be sure that your development plans have the best chance of approval,If we can find a legitimate reason why a mandatory CHMP is not required, we will argue the case based on its individual merits.

Services Related to Aboriginal Cultural Heritage

With our extensive experience and knowledge in relation to the management of Aboriginal cultural heritage,we can provide expert consultation and advice on and carry out the following related services:

Cultural Heritage Assessments

A Cultural Heritage Assessment (CHA) can be carried out by an approved cultural heritage adviser to determine whether the sponsors of a development is required to prepare a CHMP in order to get planning approval under the AHA.

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Cultural Heritage Management Plans (CHMP)

Our team can to prepare, implement and supervise Cultural Heritage Management Plans (CHMP) required for development projects, working closely with all stakeholders to ensure quality outcomes for our clients.

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Access to Extensive Heritage Resources

Andrew Long + Associates have all the resources and expertise needed to provide a full range of heritage services to our clients, including archaeological, anthropological and historical assessment and management. By engaging us to assist with heritage overlay or other compliance matters, you will gain access to our substantial resources as one of the largest leading heritage consulting firms in Victoria.

Strong Track Record of success with our clients

Being experts in the processes involved with cultural heritage affected development planning, Andrew Long + Associates is one of the only cultural heritage firms with an overwhelmingly successful track record at VCAT. Operating since 1996, we have accumulated an impressive track record,  producing over 500 CHMPs and 250 Cultural Heritage Assessment Reports.

With our extensive experience working on Aboriginal cultural heritage matters, our focus is on producing the best possible outcomes for our clients while remaining compliant to statutory requirements.

Contact us for expert heritage advice

For more information on how we can assist you, please do not hesitate to contact us or click the button below to make an appointment and discuss the details of your project and requirements.